voice of the voiceless
sight of the blind
now he brings mirth
later gall and sorrow.
The pen
welder of drifting hearts
breaker of walls of enmity
justice heeds his call
injustice flees his voice
The pen
leads the army of change
sounds the beagle of revolution
constructs the pillars of good
fends of the evil horde.
The pen
curse, or blessing?
curse in the hands of evil men
blessing in the hands of the just
how wield you yours?
If your pen still drips
hold and store it,
tame and keep it,
use and apply it,
but never hide it!
Written by: Linus Okechukwu
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson
I don’t know how powerful the pen is today? Loud voices with greed and wealth control the media. I have tried to understand how war is more important then human life? I will keep writing and hoping for common sense. Thank you for the excellent poem.
Journalism has been bought along with the journalists’ consciences…but some pens still bring change…especially now that we have social media platforms.