Victims we are
Of ethnic majority,
Alienation the daily routine,
We must unopposedly observe
Our agitation for freedom and equality,
Branded treason.
Echoed thieves,
Called oil bunkerers
Poachers of our resources,
Born slaves in our land.
Marginalized, strongly considered minority.
I weep for our endless struggles,
Of liberation and independence,
Liquid black gold a blessing,
Now a curse
Worst than a virus,
It has eaten our lands,
Polluted our waters
Yet thunderous cries unheard,
We go unnoticed.
Like a wallflower,
We observe everything,
Our harmonious presence unfelt,
But the impact of our violence,
Heavily represented, we gain recognition.
Comfort found in chaos,
Voices heard with war cries.
Cries of our fallen heroes,
Beacon an uprising,
Zealots fighters weakened,
By the stronghold of corruption
Shackles of greed
Worn as bracelets with pride,
The masses go to shame