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A CHORISTER OR A CHAOS-STER? by Aderogba Adekunle

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A chorister?
Or rather a chaos-ster?

I see, you are known a chorister,
But pride clothes you in latest vogue
Chameleon skinned, you rogue!
A chorister or a chaos-ster?

Your cock-a-hoop body makes its stand on the transept
Echoing at the top of its voice as it utters
“Nobody dares to question me! Not even the altar seaters!”
Alas! Some feet beneath your feet is your home – the crypt!

Like your father, The tempter,
You bewilder the choir stall
I foresee your bottomless pit fall
You Lucifer!

Holy Spirit? No! Never!
Your cologne rather diffuse the chancel
You don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell
I tell you, you’ll be damned forever!

A chorister?
Or rather a chaos-ster?

A CHORISTER OR A CHAOS-STER by Aderogba Adekunle

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