Words Rhymes & Rhythm


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Boko Alarm
www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [Boko Alarm]
A fight for no cause
Blessing the masses with a curse
Killing in the name of ‘god’
Tears and fears flow like a flood

Our leaders are snoring and chilling
Watching the slaughtering of a divine race
By dastard minds who offer no grace
Evangelising with bomb, sword and killings

Government keeps saying ‘Hakuna Mata’
Yet souls meet end and become dreams
Unity, peace they defy, souls they scatter
Blood for crude, fuelling the blood steam

Illiteracy (and Sharia?) they demand
Drumming silent sounds with no beat
Faceless, graceless bombing to stay fit
Evil like the devil, Hater of Man…

Written by: Flilynerik Malachy
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson

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