The river
Not with water
From yesterday’s rain
But with blood
Innocent blood
There is blood
Here, there
And everywhere
Driplets, droplets
Rivulets, streamlets
In learning places
In sacred spaces
In the hearth
On the homestead
By the sidewalks
In the dancing arena
The streets have become
Runnels of blood
As the river
Not with water
From yesterday’s rain
But with blood
Innocent blood….
(dedicated to the 43 school children sacrificed in a macabre festival of terror).
Written by: Dennis Felix
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson
Related articles
- Flood of Blood (wordsrhymesandrhythm.wordpress.com)
- RAPE IS LEGAL (by Kukogho Iruesiri Samson) (angrypoets4women.wordpress.com)
- QUESTIONS (by Lynn Rosen and Ekemini Joseph & Kukogho Iruesiri Samson) (angrypoets4women.wordpress.com)