Glaring golden like glazing metal,
The world sees much less than nothing,
Understanding far less than the paranormal;
Begotten by the surest knowledge
Creeping into the mind with ease,
Ease fathered by urgent desperation,
Borne from torments that trail all paths!
How perfectly can it be shielded?
Dark light is continuously cast on it,
Seeking to hide its helpless hopelessness
Firm as a teenage virgin’s breast to the touch;
It leaves a dark, tenacious trail behind;
Impenetrable by the brightest of lights,
‘Uncrushable’ by the heaviest of weight,
Yet appearing so tenderly bright all the same!
So dashing a darling he appears,
Breaking facades with his thrilling smile.
Like one responding to loud cheers;
He smiles, hiding his dull, dark being;
Drooping like a fragile centenarian within,
Swinging like an old woman’s naked breast,
Holding firmly to him like a long lost lover,
Twirling a heated dagger in his heart!
When at last the heat’s force hits,
And the clouds can no longer collect,
The ball of fire disintegrates
Like a disturbed file of soldier ant,
Or hornets smoked out of their hideout,
Undressing his pains and agony
And from him, all begin to shrink
‘Cos it’s a can of worms beyond his clouds!
Written by: Alozor Michael Ikechukwu
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson