And incessant killing
A developing nation – declining
Steeply falling standard of living
Ah!! My Nigeria,
Where are you heading to?
You’re being driven crazy!
“No shaking, We dey kampe! Keep moving”
Those ticks greeted the apex of servant hood
Through dangerous gambles
All going via our ways, steering the wheel of change
But what happened….
They found few friendly faces of fleeting fame
And got lost in the lure of the lucre
Trapped in the orgy of foolishness
Unmerited apparatchiks
Displaying buccaneering bravado
They swerved
They turned against us with a new deal
Looking on with alternating distaste
And ill-concealed squanderous hunger
“Come on guys
The national cake is the real deal”
Their knives are spinning free now
Flipping through a complex pattern….
Too fast for our eyes
And sweet national cake they crunch
Leaving us with sour crumbs
Pooh!!! They are good Lead-Ass!
Written by: Muhammad Oyereyí Ahmad
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson
#WRRPoetry #Politics #Change #Nigeria #Corruption
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Reblogged this on alltabloids and commented:
beautifully captured!