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She has a glowing skin
Her eyes like a love cat
Her nose so golden straight
Her lashes so enticing
Her lips so succulent
Kiss it, kiss it
She is the sun and the moon

The boys, The men
Both young and old comes
Wanting to taste her soup
Soup so fresh and sweet
She gives them both in plates and in their lustful hands
They lick and swallow
The soup they say is the best

The soup sours
They cover their nose and
Run! Run! Run
They never came back,
The soup decays,
The girl fades,
The men settle for another soup
And keep cooking and warming it
This is their soup for life
And the soup they love.
Best soup forever!
And its always covered against the boys and the men.

Written by: Okenwa Oluomachukwu Sandra

beauty soup

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