poisons the heart,
without mercy, tears apart;
Each one of them that bite of its tart

THE CINQUAIN CHALLENGE (by Fr. Albert Jungers)
A Cinquain is a short non-rhyming poem of 5 lines developed by Adalaide Crapsey. It follows one of three formats: FORMAT #1 Line 1: One word Line 2: Two words Line 3: Three words Line 4: Four words Line 5: One word FORMAT #2 Line 1: A noun Line 2:…

3 CINQUANS (in memory of Fr. Albert Jungers)
#1. FR. ALBERT JUNGERS Father Albert Jungers Remains a hero, I will always cherish Him #2. FR. ALBERT JUNGERS Poet Simple, humble Guiding, tutoring, mentoring He was a reputable Wordsmith #3. TEARDROPS Teardrops Borne out of pain And the thoughts of missing A muse from whose inspirations I write *Fr.…
A Cinquain is a short non-rhyming poem of 5 lines developed by Adalaide Crapsey. Note that it is pronounced “sin-cane,” not “sin-kwane”. This class of poetic forms is very popular because of it’s obvious simplicity. It follows one of three formats: FORMAT #1 Line 1: One word Line 2: Two…