O ruru otu mgbe ke peeji nke akụkọ ihe mere eme;
Adị akụkọ ihe mere eme na-enweghị dịghị peeji nke,
Uwa bi n’etiti nke ụmụ mmadụ;
Na n’Eluigwe mere ụmụ mmadụ enweghị adị.
Aguguala dị ka ọdi bụ elò di uto;
Chakoo nke nsi ma unyi na ya amamihe,
Ọ na-iota manyere venomous sagacity;
Unu na ya ụkwụ bụ scrumptious creativity.
Ewoo, e nwere ga-abụ akụkọ ihe mere eme gwara enweghị peeji nke,
Mana, olee otú e abụ peeji nke na-enweghị ihe mere eme?
***Dialect: Igbo
Second Prize Winner, Poetry Competition for #WorldPoetryDay 2016
Once upon a time in the pages of history;
There existed history without no pages,
Earth was living in the world of mankind;
And Heavens made human without existence.
History as it were was a succulent venom;
Void of poison nor dirt in her wisdom,
It’s iota compelled venomous sagacity;
Ye at her feet is scrumptious creativity.
Alas, there shall be history told without pages,
But how can there be pages without history?