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AFRICA by El Sane Ken Silencer

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I know of this pretty-natured woman
Created with dark complexion
Whose heart is über white and smiles
Blessed with many blessings …
Many daughters and sons as known
Has Africa, in renown
And many others
Africa has produced greater…
But the children hated
their mother’s colour
And her culture
Trying and fighting nature
All to change from their mother’s to another woman’s…
From dressings, aha!
Heat is Killing ’em under the sun…
And shoe’s, they’ve gotten dents
on their foot nails
Their real colours are not hidden
They think they can beat nature…
And bleaching is making mockery of their skins
Suffering to live on a mountain
has given ’em grievance
And flying to get beyond the sky
has given ’em the face of the dejected.

AFRICA by El Sane Ken Silencer

About Post Author

El Sane Ken Silencer

Insouciant Sane. What I have known is that the trees and their leaves live as fated.
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