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ADOPTED A SUN by Charles Ifeanyi Ejiamike

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Don’t look me in the eye and lie,
Don’t say me nay when yes it is,
For time has written you a choice – to die,
Even when tears are escape to a temporary bliss

Don’t set a fire and run,
Beat a drum and rather dance,
For in the feet of the fast they ruin,
And in time, when there is sun, there is chance.

Don’t light the night and its stars,
For I’ve shown you ways to be a sun,
And a son to the earth and its parts,
To rule as king, to conquer as a son.

For what entails my words are rare,
The same cost have I made you to cheer,
Under my arms as a judge and heir,
To rule wisely and be caring as the deer.

ADOPTED A SUN by Charles Ifeanyi Ejiamike
ADOPTED A SUN by Charles Ifeanyi Ejiamike
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