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ABUJA ACCORD: Awa Chigozie Jerome

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Beneath the roofs of vultures
The hapless smell of blood roams the air
summoning talons to pierce the space
In search of blood buried beneath
To exhume and consume
The dust left of it

Nature’s green groans
Towards adversity of scavengers
Beside the vultures and their gluttony feathers
The beak of hawks stare
Clones of the feathers of ours

The paint on their feathers
Are colours of scarlet
Inflicting scars on the ground
Twilight,the stranger harvested by their wings

Rage scratches the soil
In turns it goes wild
The shoots left of the soil
Are all wizened
In yellow pigments of life’s torture
Sunset holds a scroll
Waiting to be consumed by sights
Born of tomorrow

Dreams drown for Abuja
Like a boat steered by a ghost
A cross fire
In a battle field of dreams
born by the hapless

ABUJA ACCORD by Awa Chigozie Jerome

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