Our people have all lost hope,
Life’s game’s more than they can cope!
The hopes of all have begun to falter:
Yoruba, Hausa and their Igbo brother.
But there is one thing they may have forgotten,
When there’s still life, despair is nothing.
So let this rhymes fire their flame
For we must soldier on in this national game!
Where must we go to get away?
For our words, meaningless, no longer sway.
Let us go inside our hearts and draw a path
That’ll lead us to the desires of our heart.
Here we offer to Hope some lyrical water,
To quench the flames of Despair’s fire!
Let the fire of revival burn, with vengeance,
For we may get not another chance
To conquer these political thieves
Who have a thousand tricks up their sleeves.
Though the fires are already dead,
We need only but a coal!
Let’s make raging fires from dead coals
And reignite our passion for national goals!
Kukogho Iruesiri Samson
Jude Uchella
Lawal J. Ayub Coolgeezy
Ambrose Anton Writes
Onileagbon Femi Amos
Davids Ezimako
Albert Jungers