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A DECOY DREAM by Goodness Ayoola

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Perspiration peep in drops of painful pants
Like a stubborn singeing sorrow
The heart pumps a fidgety fear
Stealing into my veins in steams of shivers

Lost in the echoes of trembling dried plants
Dancing to the dreadful fire raze of tomorrow
Reveries display acrobatic pictures of dooms near
As clouds smoke away behind the red sun.

The eyes swell in the head a fierce façade
The jaws paralyze into the wheel palm
Silence invades the abode of wisdom
And the tongue lost in search of speech.

The thought has chosen a fear side
Springing septic boils- repelling balm
My heart is the messed and menaced kingdom
The light of hope escapes in a dark threatened breach.

Pratfalls hedge me at the loss of hope
And the world here has clothed me a cold
A strange thought wrestles my hapless hymn.

I am weak now like a floppy-ridden rope
My patience of hope is like a slipping hold…

Stolen away by a decoy dream.

A DECOY DREAM by Ayoola Goodyness Olanrewaju

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