Have you walked on your eyes
In a land of thorns
Beside a simplification
That your instincts can’t process
Except through the laughter
That your hands smile at
In a wilderness that
Your legs could see through?
Have you attended to a scent
Afar off
In concessions that build
A respect that only your tongue
Listens to in legions
That your pride betrayed
And ascribed to the heart?
Have your eyes swallowed
The section that held
Subscriptions of a dancing brain
From far east to
The far west
Positioned in quick squats
Of the north
Separately joined to south?
Has this feeling been yours
When you see and hear all
But don’t see and hear all,
When you are on familiar grounds
But on no man’s land;
Exposed to all you kept safely
But can’t run and can’t hide?
Have you?
Written by: Kemjy Xtien
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson