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A BEEF IN A PIE by Akinbode Oluwatobi Israel

Read Time:32 Second

I told my bills to come tomorow
With poor tongues of faith,
Will i be met tomorrow?
My today is hanged on the tree of idleness.

My lungs cries of drought,
Rejecting the empty green bottles,
Should I beg the poor Lazarus for a drop
Or quench their thirst with their tears?

Beautiful buckets blabbing in tongues,
Pointing to the chastened dark sky,
Should I promise them a rain?
The way down the stream is slippery.

Should I?
Shouldnt I?
Caught in the middle,
A beef in a pie.

A BEEF IN A PIE by Akinbode Oluwatobi Israel
A BEEF IN A PIE by Akinbode Oluwatobi Israel
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