ANGEL OYINPREYE TARILA–NIKADE is 9 year-old Nigerian writer from Agbere in Sagbama local government area of Bayelsa State. Oyinpreye is the first born child of her family. She recently published her first book ISABELLE AND THE REWARD FOR DISOBEDIENCE’. Oyinpreye is presently a primary four pupil of Biedomo Premier School.

You are now officially one of the youngest published authors in Nigeria and Africa. How do you feel about this achievement?
I feel great to be one of Nigeria and Africa’s youngest authors. And I thank God for the grace to write a book.
It is obvious that you have a talent and great potential as a story teller. Can you tell us why you started writing? What inspires you?
I started writing when my mum wrote her books. I noticed that people were calling her to speak at their occasions and, at that point, my writing spirit rose up and I got my pen and journal and started writing. So, the person who inspires me the most is my mum.
Your book, ‘ISABELLE AND THE REWARD FOR DISOBEDIENCE’ teaches a moral lesson to children? Do you think books can help mould children’s characters?
CERTAINLY! Because when I read my books, they mold my character. So, books like mine can help mold other children’s characters as well.
How was your book received by your friends and family?
They said it was good, amazing etc. Others said they had never seen anything like it. I feel so honored. A friend of mine was inspired to write hers.
Aside writing, what other interests and hobbies do you have?
My hobbies are reading, singing, dancing, painting, drawing, helping my mum in the kitchen and watching TV.
What else are you working on? Should we be expecting another book soon?
Yes I am working on another book. It is a collection of poems.
How do you think young writers like you can be encouraged to develop their skills too?
I suggest that the best way is for the young writer to follow the footsteps of his or her favorite author, and keep reading. The more you read the better you write.