Before anything, I want to ask one thing though: are there plans to introduce this book into our education system? If not, let the publisher do something, speak to someone somewhere, lobby the system anyhow and have our kids read this in their schools. Our children really need saving. Getting them to read this is the least we can do for them, and acting against the rots parading as highbrow private schools we pay hugely for.
Isabelle and the Reward of Disobedience is sterling in many ways.
Reading this book, memories of the clean edited books I read as a kid flushed me. What is it with what we have now? It is such a pity. There are many badly edited books in these kids’ schools, and each term, same are drafted into our bills. In an interesting twist, parents pay for the pigswill their children feed on.
“Ali have a mother. Her name are Titi. Titi always go to the market to buy and sell.” Imagine paying for such crap.
My MS Word shuts down writing that. It is that bad. This is why I want to ask again: are there plans to introduce this book into schools for our kids to read?
Angel Oyinpreye Tarila-Nikade has written an entertaining story that teaches morals. With a simple linear plot, this story follows after Isabella and her family.
The book shows how a harmless act of disobedience could easily upset events. For Isabella, disobedience briefly causes her life to go awry. What begins as a blessing almost becomes her undoing when she disobeys her mother’s instruction.
Suspense is a gift; I wouldn’t want to spoil this story. Get this book for your kids. Anyway, call this a spiel. This is just asking you to buy something productive. Parents should be angry at what passes as literature in some of their children’s schools.
We may not be able to bear on our subsisting Ministry of Education. But in private schools where our money pays all, we could affect some change. Get to your children’s schools, recommend this. If they could pass failing kids for the fear of fees, your recommendation should do something.
In an elegant but simple English language, Angel Oyinpreye Tarila-Nikade writes too beautifully for a 9 year old. She is a gift. What a precocious child! I want to follow this girl and see what she will churn out later in her life.
Adeniyi Ifeoluwa started out like this. See what she is achieving in her 20’s. She has written a book, On the Bank of the River. This book has been longlisted and shortlisted for two great prizes within a year. Angel Oyinpreye Tarila-Nikade will do more with the way she has started out. I look forward to a bit more mature children fiction from her in the nearest time. She sure can do this.
Isabella and the Reward of Disobedience is a rich tapestry of thought and a sterling editing effort. Nothing is out of place.
However, as an instructional material, I think picking out enriching words from the book and providing them with explanations at the back of the book will go a long way to help. I love the way instructive questions are asked at the end of every chapter though. However, words like acquaintances, midwives, fateful, lavished, flaunted, giggled, chuckled, notoriety, stern, jeers, retorted, scurried, thumping, furious, intrusion, sobbed, dreaded, and references should be explained.
Doing this will make the book a complete instructional material for all kids.