Behind The Spectacles of every pacesetter is, on the one hand, a series of paintings done on canvases using acrylics as a medium. These paintings explore the experiences and expectations that users of spectacles might have had from behind them. This set of artworks on the other hand attempts to recreate yesterday and reimagine tomorrow under today's watch. Since literature is a mirror of society, this series strives to project the views, thoughts, and imaginations of leaders—writers—who see through the lenses of others. In this context, Series 1 and 2, featuring renowned African Writers, Wole Soyinka and Chinua Achebe, express my conception that all their works are from "behind the spectacles".

Ibrahim Ajani Lawal is an African-Nigerian Artist, Poet, Painter, Writer and student of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. In 2020, he emerged 1st Runner-Up in the S.S.C.M. Challenge, in Uganda. His short stories, poems and painting-photography have appeared in Wheelsong Anthology, CỌ́N-SCÌÒ Magazine, The Quills, WSA Magazine, Fitrah Review, Feral Journal and elsewhere. His favourite things are cats, cakes, cocktails, and many other little things. He can be reached by email via or @Hajani_Hibard across all social media.