Rape, Domestic Violence and Women Abuse are evils that must not be left to roam free in our societies. The victims are our MOTHERS, SISTERS and DAUGHTERS and we cannot sit back and watch them suffer.
Many have been damaged for life. More unlucky ones have died. Some of these victims have no voice of their own.
They have chosen to chew silence in the world’s extreme corner: battered wives, girls raped by brothers, fathers, uncles, neighbors and ‘friends’, boys abused by ‘aunties’, sodomised by ‘uncles’…the list is endless.
The perpetrators are human beings living among us and we must prod their consciences.
Be part of history and join your ink with ours as we battle against ‘DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND WOMEN ABUSE’.
Our weapon, our language is POETRY. By it, we might save a few, we might heal and transform some of the beasts perpetrate this evils.
A pen, they say, is mightier than swords. So let us wield our swords well and hack at this evil that seems to be threatening the existence of our societies.
NOTE: We will be looking out for originality and only a limited number of poems will be selected.
*The theme is restricted to ‘DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND WOMEN ABUSE’ in our societies. This theme can be approached from any point of view.
*Entries must be original intellectual property of the entrants and cannot be altered or changed after submission.
*All entrants MUST be members of the WRRPoetry family. Like our PAGE and follow us on Twitter (@WRRPoetry).
*All submissions should be done via email as body of mail wrrpoetry@yahoo.com with the subject: ‘OUR MOTHERS, SISTERS & DAUGHTERS’. No attachments will be accepted.
*Maximum of 30 LINES (verses) for each poem.
*Previously published poems will be accepted, but we would prefer fresh works.
*Include a short bio (50 words maximum) and contact info (your full name, email address, phone number and mailing address) in the body of the email.
*By June 20, 2013, we will notify those whose poems have been accepted for the anthology.
*The authors retain copyright of their poems but submission gives us the permission to publish in this anthology.
*Deadline for submission is June 16, 2013.
Selected poems will be published in the anthology tentatively titled: ‘OUR MOTHERS, SISTERS & DAUGHTERS’: No To Rape, Domestic Violence and Women Abuse!
This is an opportunity to cause change in society as well as get yourself to an international audience.
All contributing poets will also receive:
*A copy of the anthology in which their work is featured.
*The option of purchasing additional copies at a discount for resale.
*A referral bonus for every sale they send our way.
Let’s rewrite the world, one verse at a time….
Kukogho Iruesiri Samson
WRRPoetry Founder/Curator
Phone: 08060109295
Email: kukogho.samson@hotmail.com