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Epistle Of Lies
Epistle Of Lies

Poetry toh’ Quality foundation, a group of conscientized poets, in collaboration with Words Rhymes & Rhythm, calls for poetry submissions from established and upcoming poets in Nigeria.

We seek politically and socially aggresive poems aimed at changing society for an E-Book under the proposed title, ‘Epistle of Lies’.

The poems should be restricted to the political, especially as regard pre and post election lies and misconduct of politicians and their followers.

This call is open to all. We enjoin poets around the world to share the pains of deceived masses on the table of poetry.

Ebook publication should be expected 2-3 months after submissions. The paperback edition will come afterwards.

The selected poems will be jointly edited by Kukogho Iruesiri Samson, author of ‘What Can Words Do? (poems)’ and founder/curator WRRPoetry and Madam Brigitte Poirson, French teacher and promoter of African Literature.

*Submit only 3 poems.
*Each entry (of 3 poems or less) should include a short biography of not more than 50 words.
*Submission opens 10th November, 2013 and closes 23rd December, 2013

*NOTE: Entries MUST be sent as body of the mail, not attachments and should be mailed to in order to qualify.

AGARAU Adedayo (Poetry toh’ quality)
Kukogho Iruesiri Samson (WRRPoetry)

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