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Words Rhymes & Rhythm (WRR) is now receiving entries for the March 2018 edition of the BRIGITTE POIRSON POETRY CONTEST (BPPC). Poets from Nigeria, Africa and all over the world are hereby invited to submit their poems on the theme: SOLITUDE.

This month’s theme is derived from quotes by Aristotle and Kahlil Gibran:

“Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a God Aristotle (Francis Bacon’s essay “Of Friendship”)

“Solitude has soft, silky hands, but with strong fingers it grasps the heart and makes it ache with sorrow. Solitude is the ally of sorrow as well as a companion of spiritual exaltation — Kahlil Gibran, Broken Wings

Participants should note that Judges will be focused on ORIGINALITY, adherence to THEME, CREATIVITY in LANGUAGE and STYLE as well as the use of LITERARY DEVICES in the poems.

Entries will be received until 11:59 PM Friday March 23, 2018.


Prize to be won:

  1. The winning poem will be awarded a cash prize of N8000, a certificate of award and a copy of the BPPC 2018 anthology
  2. All top 10 poems will be automatically entered for the Albert Jungers Poetry Prize (AJPP) 2018
  3. All top 10 poems will be published in the annual BPPC 2018 anthology
  4. All top 10 poets will receive a free copy of the BPPC 2018 anthology


  1. Contestants are invited to submit one poem on the theme
  2. Submissions should be sent to SUBMISSIONS@WRR.NG
  3. All entries must be the original work of the poet submitting it
  4. No ATTACHMENTS. Please submit poem and other details as body of mail
  5. The CONTESTANT NAME, CONTEST MONTH, & POEM TITLE must be mentioned clearly, as the subject of the e-mail. For example: ‘Abubakar Nnamdi Adekunle, BPPC March 2018, ‘I AM ALONE
  6. The maximum length of the poem should be 28 lines (plus the title). Poems exceeding this length will be disqualified
  7. Authors must provide their full names and Facebook ID [for identification]and a 50-100 word biography in the body of the e-mail
  8. Submission deadline is 11:59 PM Friday March 23, 2018.

Note that:

  1. Poems containing profanity, racism or vulgarity will be automatically disqualified
  2. The poems will be judged based on their artistic quality and creativity
  3. The judges’ decision is final and under no circumstances will they enter into any correspondence with entrants regarding their decisions
  4. The copyright of each submission remains with its owner but we retain the right to publish ALL and ANY entry in the annual BPPC anthology
  5. Poets resident in any part of the world are eligible
  6. No entry fee required
  7. Past winners may enter for the competition, but a poet can only one once in a calendar year (Season). If a past winner makes the TOP 10, the poems will ONLY be awarded a certificate and be featured in the anthology.

The last edition of the BPPC (September 2017) was won by three-time winner and Albert Jungers Poetry Prize (AJPP) 2016 finalist Chinazom Chukwudi Otubelu.

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