There must be more to life than just scowling faces thorny paths, rugged places Unified in disunity broken broke hearts whole in parts. Homes turned houses sons against mothers daughters...
She's almost everywhere, dominating in quantity velvet-textured in every ware. she's the heart of gravity. Docile, she's ever been. Never hostile, she entertains the feet of every being. She sustains...
In this race, All fight for glory. Every face has it's own story. As the hat spares the head from something. So every heart beats for something. In every mind...
No one is bold when it's you in the corridor! Terror grips the household when it's you at the door! Sorrow lives with the household when you've someone on the...
Where do we go from here? Being ONE is what we preach. But we still live in fear. Harmony is what we teach. But nothing is being fair. Nigeria! Nigeria!!...
Some trot Some walk Some stalk Some just talk Others hide in the grot. Steaming pot. Scenting aroma? If only it was a panorama showing scenes of this drama. But...
Ask a starving fellow to fast? Isn't better to fast from starving? Should I expect the crippled to walk fast? Would he even move an inch without me helping? Why...
How time flies, I once had those innocent babe's eyes. Wonder what's on that serene mind Even if I asked, it'd be the blind leading the blind. Man has always...
Passion overrides reasoning After the fight, you just come out without winning The mouth of guilt start screaming The pains keep on deepening Self-pity comes around knocking Those voices come...
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