Revolvency, shape, earth's gracely assured Or blest that dost less the villainy Oars of jolly pulchritude, aye! Or aught more that gently discourse? And proffer of much loving soft? Much...
I was walking with a girl from chemistry department And she said i was too fast Like a gentleman would, I reduced my acceleration Yet she said i moved with...
Who says there was silence in the dawn? When all I hear is the stillness, of cherubs and seraphs whispering through light. Who says there was darkness? When all I...
Early in the morning, at 4 a.m., what do all men do? One is sleeping with spittle spilling from his mouth's corner. Another is lying in bed; the thoughts of...
So everyone is present in this funeral, Dancing to a tune we never loved, Enjoying the meal but the music, Staring at the dark corridor of our lives, Everyone is...
Living in a modern world, full of colours Chameleon, it's odour! Hidden I have merengue my tongue to be modern 'Good morning!' I have learnt saying this at the wake...
It's been years now I was given form Mother's labour produced me I came from underneath mother's skirt Where oblivion was all I knew I have seen mother open up...
Short droplets in motion I see Traversing the space of the seer Truncated by gasps of air So tiny it bruised my hair Perched on the wet clouds Bonded lips...
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