[caption id="attachment_11920" align="aligncenter" width="397"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [POVERTY][/caption]Poverty, You murdered my dream And now I am chasing nightmares Of hungry monsters! Poverty, You know thin flesh covers my belly I only know...
[caption id="attachment_11376" align="aligncenter" width="374"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [THE NIGERIAN EQUATION][/caption]Listen closely to this conversation, Between a father and a son, In Africa's most populous nation, Son: Father please resolve for me this...
[caption id="attachment_11756" align="aligncenter" width="345"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [ENEMY SO CLOSE][/caption]An ENEMY So Close He came to me I never knew him before then ‘Said I am your friend My job is to...
[caption id="attachment_8209" align="aligncenter" width="386"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [Kolade Olanrewaju Freedom][/caption]Dust kissed the sole of my feet as I trod upon the ground valiantly a herculean task was set before me I peered...
[caption id="attachment_9529" align="aligncenter" width="347"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [LYING TRUTH][/caption]Making fictional fiction Handling the hand without a handle Gossip, our disgrace of truth We are so special Our absent minded self Is so...
[caption id="attachment_11746" align="aligncenter" width="345"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [UNTITLED][/caption]My eyes are open but i still feel blind my mind's in the oven baking thoughts of different kind am stuck in the middle blocked...
[caption id="attachment_11747" align="aligncenter" width="382"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [WONDERING][/caption]I wonder Shouldn't you ponder? Think, wake up from your slumber Why don't humans understand when birds chatter? Oh! I wonder I wonder Why do...
[caption id="attachment_11748" align="aligncenter" width="336"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [YOU ARE][/caption]You're like glass among plank windows You stay gleaming in my eyes Soft and shimmering, Wild and free You open for light like bible...
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