[caption id="attachment_11074" align="aligncenter" width="357"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [Our Motherland][/caption]Empty hopes sunk in bloody impoverishment Battered, brutalized by ‘GeePee’ tank bellies They escort the gold to fatten their pulse And package poverty to...


[caption id="attachment_11075" align="aligncenter" width="328"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [My Pen Power][/caption]My sun rises in the East Setting not in the West The North sees me and smile My brightness South deny not; Turning...


[caption id="attachment_11076" align="aligncenter" width="344"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [Tragedy Of Faith][/caption]Anticipating village ears Groping the whistling easterly winds Tracking approaching sounds, each steers T'catch high priest's obscure rattling steps One, two, here he...


[caption id="attachment_11079" align="aligncenter" width="364"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [This Brain][/caption]I look to thee when I need a hand when thy brothers offer me nought and though thy maker made thee great thou concealeth...


[caption id="attachment_11080" align="aligncenter" width="349"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [This Life][/caption]Tangle of webs Intricately interwoven So meshed and yet So apart. Worlds in a world Seemingly inseparable With paths crisscrossed And still so irreconcilable...


[caption id="attachment_11081" align="aligncenter" width="382"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [Nigeria][/caption]A country our forefathers left with legacy and fortune A rich nation, full of honey and milk. Will we now mar her or let her...
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