[caption id="attachment_2197" align="aligncenter" width="350"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [Be With Me][/caption]We started together, We wrote together. When we drank from a tap, And when I was rich, We had a gap- I didn't...
[caption id="attachment_2198" align="aligncenter" width="350"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [Bushwoman][/caption]Have you seen the bush woman? She idles not a day at home She keeps to her every plan, Breeding her affection in the rich...
[caption id="attachment_2199" align="aligncenter" width="350"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [Victims][/caption]Forced to answer the call of the cemetery, Our souls riddled with bullets of sorrow, We are tangled in webs of endless torments As we...
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